Public Involvement News and Update



Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 2:00 p.m.

Public Hearing Location:

Cliff Morton Development and Building Services, Board Room

1901 South Alamo Street


To understand your ideas and preferences for the future of the Eastside Community Area Plan, we are using a variety of tools in the coming year:

  • You are invited to any of three community meetings and open houses to tell us your thoughts, meet other people from the area, and learn about other people's perspectives.
  • Meetings aren't for everyone, so we will periodically set up stations in busy places for a few hours at time where we will interact with people who can share a few minutes with us before moving on with their day. We hope to see you out in the community some day at one of these ""intercepts."
  • We will use brief surveys and post meeting materials on this webpage, and also announce meetings and intercept locations on the webpage, social media accounts, and through our email list.
  • These are in addition to all of the personal interviews, focus groups, and neighborhood meeting visits that we will do.

We look forward to hearing from you and learning from you! Thanks for taking time to learn and share your ideas on the future of your community!

Engagement Journal

The Engagement Journal provides community members an opportunity to follow along the South Community Area planning process and review feedback received through numerous engagement activities and events. The input received through these outreach efforts will be summarized in this document, and will help shape the development of the plan. Please note this document will be updated throughout this planning process.

The SA Tomorrow Plan

San Antonio is planning boldly to ensure our great City captures the type of growth and economic development that will lead our community into the future and provide benefits to all our residents. Visit this website to learn more about the Comprehensive Plan and what we’re doing to make San Antonio a diverse and thriving community.