The Eastside Community Area Land Use Plan supports and is intended to implement the SA Tomorrow Comprehensive Plan, Multimodal Transportation Plan, and Sustainability Plan. It also draws on recommendations from the SA Corridors Strategic Framework Plan and implements the Vision, Goals, and Plan Framework for the Eastside Community Area. The Future Land Use Plan supports neighborhood stability, while providing ample opportunity for additional economic revitalization and a growing and diversifying residential population. The Future Land Use Plan supports the revitalization and emergence of mixed-use neighborhood centers that would offer some retail, service, or entertainment uses within walking distance of residents and that complement transit service and other neighborhood assets.
The following sections describe the general future land use patterns of the Eastside Community Area. Recommendations for implementing the land use plan follow, and the full catalog of land use categories (including descriptions and allowable zoning districts) adopted in the Unified Development Code (UDC) Chapter 35 are found at the bottom of the page.
Residential neighborhood areas are places primarily for people to reside and carry out neighborhood life. However in neighborhoods west of New Braunfels Avenue, small businesses and live/work uses in pedestrian-oriented buildings are also supported. This plan supports additional diverse housing options in neighborhoods. Medium Density Residential areas provide for slightly greater numbers of people to live near transit service, daily goods and services, and other assets like parks or culturally important places. Examples include blocks near Commerce Street, Houston Street, New Braunfels Avenue, and Hackberry Street.
Mixed-use centers and corridors are designated on the Future Land Use Map in places where historically there were small businesses and community uses, or near cultural assets, parks, transit service, or an existing mix of goods, services, and public gathering places available to the community. Regional Mixed-Use areas, which are intended to host the most people living, working, and recreating are located near major employment and activity centers, and where VIA Metropolitan Transit (VIA) is planning to provide high capacity transit service, for example around the intersection of Houston Street and New Braunfels Avenue. Urban Mixed-Use areas enable more people to live or work near other community assets, for example, where there are currently vacant lots across Commerce Street from Lincoln Park and its associated community and human services centers. Neighborhood Mixed-Use areas are intended to include a mix of smaller scale buildings and uses, for example along Commerce Street between the Historic Eastside Cemeteries and Dawson Park.
The Employment/Flex Mixed-Use and Business/Innovation Mixed-Use areas are located where there is an existing mix of industrial, commercial and residential uses. They support existing industrial uses, while providing opportunities for innovative or creative businesses to locate in the same area. Examples of these areas can be found between St. Phillip’s College and New Braunfels Avenue, near I-35, and southeast of the AT&T Center.
Land use recommendations are identified to support the land use plan for the Eastside Community Area. In the Implementation section of the plan, specific strategies are provided for each of the following recommendations.